Intelligent DC

Project MetaHome

Smart cities of the future will require very different homes and architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) technology from that being used by builders today. How will our current stock meet that need? To find out, we are taking a 1450 sq ft condominium unit in Boulder, Colorado, and are transforming it into a smart MetaHome. […]

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Project MetaHome Opportunities for Collaboration

SponsorshipProduct TestingApproved Supplier Project MetaHome™ offers several opportunities for collaboration: sponsorship, product testing, approved supplier, or … you propose it! What is Project MetaHome? Project MetaHome™1 seeks to harness the most modern technology to create a home that is a joy to live in, is resilient to natural hazards, and uses 95% less energy than a […]

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Buildings of the Future

Ideas for the pursuit of excellence are game-changers that push an organization to the next level. Organizations operating in any industry can benefit from expanding their focus from quality assurance—institutionalizing incremental improvements in degrees of excellence—to the overarching pursuit of comprehensive excellence. One way to support excellence is to ensure that the architecture/‌engineering/‌construction (AEC) infrastructure […]

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